Episode 173
Mamoru gets killed on his way to America where he was going to study abroad... Usagi has no idea...
This is where the main plot of this season begins.
The senshi are all going into high school now... and they go crazy over a popular idol group called The Three Lights...
Sailor Iron Mouse, a hilarious new villain enemy, is attacking people to gather Star Seeds... A Star Seed is like, similar to the pure hearts from season 3 I guess...
When Sailor Moon shows up to stop her, these 3 new senshi called the Sailor Starlights also show up. It's completely obvious these are the Three Lights characters, even though they are a different gender...
The Starlights say that it's impossible to save someone who has had their Star Seed taken out, but Eternal Sailor Moon shows them up and heals that person easily.
I JUST now noticed that Eternal Sailor Moon no longer has a tiara, so you can clearly see the moon symbol on her forehead when she's transformed. Her Eternal form is probably almost at the same rank as her Princess form.
Episode 174
The Three Lights transferred to the same high school as the Sailor senshi. Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten are all in the same class as Usagi and Minako... Usagi keeps bumping into Seiya, who seems to be very into her... Usagi isn't as into the group as other people and it takes her a while before she finally realizes Seiya is one of the Three Lights members.
Episode 175
Minako trying to become an idol through her connection with the Three Lights...
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