Wow Sakura is badass now... using the Create card to make a movie of her fighting giant monsters...
It's been 4 months since Li Syaoran went back to Hong Kong.
Sakura is in another school play, with a plot that foreshadows the plot of this movie.
She senses something strange... the presence of a card... she then runs into Syaoran while looking for it. Meiling has also returned... her and Sakura hang out and talk about nothing but Syaoran the whole time. Then Meiling is like "I have something to do with Miss Daidouji, so can you treat Syaoran to a meal?"
Meiling and Tomoyo are obviously trying to get Sakura and Syaoran some alone time... Tomoyo is really happy about getting more chances to film Sakura's love confession.
Touya's pissed off because Sakura is the happiest she's been in months after seeing Syaoran.
Sakura's writing a letter to Eriol, meanwhile she notices how much taller Syaoran has gotten...
Tomoyo and Meiling take Sakura and Syaoran out shopping, then leave them alone... they keep doing this over and over... Finally Sakura is just about to confess to Syaoran on the ferris wheel... then a Sakura card flies out of her case.
They meet the sealed card... this card returns everything to nothing. The same amount of negative power is needed for positive power... yin yang opposites...
Kero: "Equal powers pull against each other. This one card has the same power as your 52 other cards."
It's like... by capturing the cards, she is able to capture the feelings of the one she truly loves...
The Sealed Card is making things in the city disappear.. almost like it's turning them into dreams... no, into nothing. Nihilism, the opposite extreme side of Sakura's ideal of love...
She gets some advice from Eriol... To turn the Sealed Card into a Sakura Card, she needs to give it the feeling that is held most dear at that time... her dearest feeling... she looks at the nameless card... her connection with Eriol cuts off then.
Syaoran says the city is more important than Sakura's dearest feeling... she runs away crying, confused about how she feels...
If only there were a way to not lose her dearest feeling... maybe, perhaps by telling Syaoran about it? hmm...
Syaoran gets put into a school play in place of Yamazaki... lol this has gotta be a setup. Just then during the play, the Sealed Card is about to take Sakura's dearest feeling... Tomoyo gives Sakura and Syaoran matching Yin Yang costumes... this is her way of showing that she believes Sakura will return with a smile as she always does.
Woah, Syaoran can get through Sakura's Time card spell? Or maybe she made it so he isn't affected by it...
This Sealed Card is taking everything that was made by Clow Reed and making it disappear... Syaoran goes after the card, the only card it can't take... Sakura's hope...
Sakura comes and says she'll seal her and take her cards back... but no, she's only offering to be this card's friend... She tries to sacrifice her dearest feelings to transform it, but something stops her. She looks at Syaoran, who is about to disappear because he's in the same line as Clow Reed... Sakura's nameless card activates, and saves him.
The Sealed Card merges with the nameless card, and Sakura's dearest feeling, and becomes the Hope card!
This movie is among the best anime movies ever imo... I'm really glad I watched it while high, this made me appreciate it even more than ever.
Here's a dump of all the screenshots I took... low quality rip, but it didn't matter to me, I just love this movie too much.
<3 CCS
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